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Showing posts from September, 2021

Hello !!!

Hello everybody, i forgot exactly when i found this blog name available to use. Finally I decided to register it and put up a banner about parenting and I forgot. Today I am interested in opening a collection of blogs that I have. I was surprised when I saw that there were still monthly visitor statistics. So maybe I'll use this place to write something. Writing about something is not easy, but I will try to write it here. I have put some of my blogs with ads. Maybe someday I will also post an ad here. Some people may have an edge in themselves when it comes to writing something. But somehow, I feel like writing about life here. Life is about a collection of time that we call memories. And someday in the future, we are a memory. Now we remember something, but surely we will turn into the memory itself. It's sad to imagine, but that's life. Some come and some go. For those who have gone, hope to find a good place. And for those who come, hopefully will find something good i